Why is this happening now?

The radical right school board takeover initiative and strategy comes from a place of fear that schools are being taken over by the government and controlled by the unions in an attempt to push a liberal agenda to indoctrinate and “groom” children. But it also comes with a collective goal of dismantling public education.

The right suggests that school boards are somehow rejecting “parental rights” to determine how and when their children will be taught certain concepts - if at all.

They seek to destroy the collaborative relationship that has existed for decades between teachers and parents as well as the relationship between teachers and their union - all in an attempt to destroy and eliminate the public school system.

Their intention is to eliminate the separation of church and state, effectively turning public schools into religious schools and/or privatize public education.

It’s no secret that school choice advocates want to funnel public funds and resources to private and parochial schools and away from public schools. 

The ultimate goal is to privatize education in the form of vouchers for charter, private, parochial, homeschooling – all lacking, at varying levels, the government oversight to comply with the ADA or Title IX, or state civil rights laws protecting students of color, religious minorities, differing cultural backgrounds, LGBTQ students, or even students with LGBTQ parents, relatives, or friends.